First, let’s make sure you’re eligible to participate

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You're eligible, hooray!

Simply fill out your details below, pay for shipping and your taster box will be sent out shortly.

Sorry to say, it appears you’re not currently eligible for our programme

This is because your BMI is outside our eligible range of 25-43. We chose this range based on best practice used in world-leading diabetes reversal research.

But we’re still here to help! Our diabetes remission community is free and open to all.

Join our free diabetes remission community

Sorry to say, it appears you’re not currently eligible for our programme

This is because you selected one of our exclusion criteria which would make our programme unsafe at this time.

But we’re still here to help! Our diabetes remission community is free and open to all.

Join our free diabetes remission community

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Taster Week purchases are standalone and do not enrol into a subscription, as per our terms & conditions.

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