Where is Mounjaro in stock in the UK?

Mounjaro is now available for weight loss in the UK. We've listed which online providers have Mounjaro available as of March 1st 2024.
Habitual Team
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Quick summary

Mounjaro launched in the UK in February 2024. Patients who previously used Ozempic or Wegovy may be all too familiar with limited stock availability and finding a reliable provider. The good news is that Wegovy stock seems healthy—but how easy is it to find Mounjaro for private prescription?

At Habitual, we provide medication-based weight loss plans which include prescription weight loss medication (such as Mounjaro and Wegovy) as well as our app, community, and support that thousands of patients across the UK have come to love.

We understand that you may have your own plan and approach to weight loss so we've compiled a list of providers which currently have Mounjaro in stock to help you make the most informeddecision

Where is Mounjaro in stock?

Mounjaro is available from online pharmacies which tend to provide very little behaviour change support, and from more holistic weight loss programme providers which usually include some sort of content, coaching, or other types of support to be used alongside the medication. At Habitual we believe we provide daily content, tracking, gamification, community, and more. Habitual has a good supply of Mounjaro that is available to both new and existing patients. The cost of our Mounjaro programme starts at £199 which includes access to our habit changing app, support and community to help you achieve the best results.

In stock - Weight loss programmes

In stock - Online pharmacies

  • Chemist4U
  • Boots
  • Asda
  • Bolt
  • Health Express

Wegovy is here! Start your free assessment

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Mounjaro is here! Start your free assessment

Complete the assessment and purchase your plan

What to consider when buying Mounjaro online

Supply issues in 2023 led to a rise in reports of counterfeit medication and black market medication being sold to patients. This is alarming as when tested, some of the counterfeit products had different and unknown medication in them which could be highly dangerous. Stock from reputable companies is now reliable, but it's important to check your provider is trustworthy, and one which will carry out the appropriate safety checks to ensure you are receiving the correct medication.

When buying from an online pharmacy, you should always check that the pharmacy is registered with the General Pharmaceutical Council (GPhC). The website should clearly state the GPhC number in the footer, and you can also search for a pharmacy on the GPhC website.

Mounjaro is a prescription medication and is only for patients who meet certain eligibility criteria. Online prescribers should be doing identity verification, weight validation, and possibly cross checking NHS records. If your provider is not taking measures to protect patient safety then this is a red flag.

Lastly, it's important to bear in mind that Mounjaro is licensed to be delivered alongside lifestyle intervention. You may be able to find more affordable Mounjaro pens from an online pharmacy that doesn't offer any additional support, but the medication is meant to be taken alongside a behavioural change programme that can help you make positive changes to your habits and achieve better weight and health outcomes.

Can I switch from Wegovy to Mounjaro?

Now that you know where you can find Mounjaro in stock in the UK, you might be wondering whether you can switch from established Wegovy treatment onto Mounjaro. The short answer is that it is possible, however it will require re-titration from the lowest dose of Mounjaro and slow dose escalation—just as you would have done with Wegovy. Learn more about switching from Wegovy to Mounjaro here.


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